Carta Coffee Merchants Meridian, more than just a lighter roast.

Meridian is Carta Coffee Merchants has another light roast of Kona Coffee that is exceptionally good. A perfect choice for breakfast, or break time, and if you are serving dessert with chocolate, or hazelnut, this is your coffee! Meridian is a perfect balance of full, earthy, body, and naturally sweet coffee, without any bitter aftertaste. It has a great cup life, without going sour when it cools down, and remains fresh and juicy throughout. Meridian will be the perfect gift to yourself, or that special coffee geek in your life.

Carta Coffee

Here is what I found.



The aroma of Carta’s Meridian is big; I mean fills up the entire house big! Right away I noticed the rich, earthiness of the aroma, followed by tantalizing hints of hazelnut, and chocolate. As the coffee was steeping in the French Press, I also caught whiffs of floral and citrus. Quite alluring aroma.



Meridian’s flavor was a surprise to me, I got the taste of the earthiness right away, but what really got me was the complex, yet subtlety, smooth flavor of the citrus, and chocolate. I enjoyed this coffee without adding any milk or cream. It was really naturally sweet.



The low acidity of the Kona is brought out perfectly in the roast here. Clean, sweet, balanced, with a citrus note at the very end.



Impressive, not too heavy, or too light, but a good mouth feel that is fresh, juicy and full. You know you are drinking coffee when have this cup.



The finish is also just perfect, with no grittiness, just a clean cup, full of a flavor that ranges from citrus to chocolate, with a hint of natural hazelnut, having an excellent cup life that is long, stays fresh, and well-rounded, with some spice notes on the end of your cup.

Over all I will have to say this is a perfect cup of coffee, roasted at Carta! So go out, and treat yourself by getting a bag for yourself, or for that someone special you want to impress! This would do it!

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