CoffeeKen down but not out

First off I must apologize for CoffeeKen being out of commission due to a heart event on last Tuesday, it was not a heart attack but the end result is that I was out of commission for a better part of a week. I do not have any memory of what happened to me it is still very fuzzy at best and a total black out of events at worst. My normal writing style has been some what compromised due to the “event” my cognitive powers are some what effected, so writing is now a chore for me. I am doing memory games and coloring books, yes I know it sounds odd, but it works the right side of the brain with out burning it out and guess where creative writing comes from.

CoffeeKen in the Hospital


I did not have a stroke but the “event” I had was like a heart attack, but not. I have a blackout with my memory. From some of the pictures my wife took of it looked very bad but she told me I knew something was up and I stopped the truck and she called 911, by that point I was out of it, I don’t if I was aware but clearly I was out of it. Now I am in the good care of the folks of Saint Luke’s here in Phoenix. The next question of course will be if my insurance will cover it, I hope so or otherwise I think this whole medical insurance coverage is a big fraud. SO I will keep you posted to what is going on and by next week I will have more post on CoffeeKen that are what they are suppose to be, Coffee.  Thank you for your understanding. CoffeeKen

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