by Ken Feighner | Aug 15, 2016 | Coffee Review, Coffee Roasters
Ethiopian Harrar Matador Coffee’s Single Origin Matador Coffee Company has roasted up an outstanding single origin, Ethiopian Harrar! The Harrar coffee bean is often characterized with berry notes, and chocolate, but Matador has pulled some other flavors out, too,...
by Ken Feighner | Jul 4, 2016 | Coffee Roasters, Coffee Shops
Jubilee Roasting Company Jubilee Roasting Company was recommended, and being a person who is into trying something new, I was game. Once again the Denver Coffee Culture paid off grandly. Jubilee Roasting is a new roasting company with some great potential ahead of...
by Ken Feighner | May 16, 2016 | Coffee Review, Coffee Roasters
Puli Coffee India Coffee Company Puli Coffee, from India Coffee Company, is currently one of the outstanding coffees that I have received to date. It is the perfect embodiment of India, full of spice, yet smooth, complex in flavor, but so easy to sit back and enjoy....
by Ken Feighner | Apr 18, 2016 | Coffee Review, Coffee Roasters
Johnny Lolita’s Coffee Roaster Turquoise Blend Turquoise Blend, from Johnny Lolita’s Coffee Roaster, has been quite a surprise, and very much worthy of praise! It is a blend that has two beans, that very much works in the ying and yang theory, bringing together...
by Ken Feighner | Feb 29, 2016 | Coffee Roasters
Carta Coffee Merchants Carta Coffee Merchants is one of the newest coffee producers, and roasters to Hawaii’s Kona coffee, and I must say, I am very impressed with the results of their product. Scott Burr is the founder of Carta Coffee Merchants, and he has the unique...
by Ken Feighner | Feb 20, 2016 | Coffee Review, Coffee Roasters
Boma Blend; Meru Coffee Farms I must confess, it usually takes me one day to review a coffee and only 3 minutes to decide if I like it. I have been rather slow to write a review on this coffee and it only took me less than 3 minutes to decide if I liked it. The truth...