Arcane Coffee Company’s Papua New Guinea: a quick trip in a cup.
Arcane’s Papua New Guinea (PNG) is must for those who enjoy Asian Pacific coffee. The roast is spot on as far as I am concerned. It is a nice, medium roast that brings out all the exotic flavors and aroma of this pacific paradise. Arcane Coffee Company is an artisan coffee micro roaster, having access to micro lot coffee that the larger coffee roasters won’t even consider buying. As a coffee drinker, you can expand your coffee world by ordering your coffee from them. This offering is one of those said items, it has unique flavors that are only from small batch farmers and roasters.
Here is what I found.
The PNG aroma is big, with lots of chocolate, spice, and most interesting, plum. I mean actual plum! A very tantalizing combination.
Arcane’s PNG is a complex cup, with lots of flavors to pick out when you are drinking this fine cup. It is bold in flavor, yet smooth, I did not get any bitterness with all the competing flavors. The flavors I picked up were chocolate, earthiness, spice, plum and a very subtle hint of apricot. All these flavors are nicely balanced.
This cup is very smooth, clean and mild, no sharpness or sour finish. Just a crisp, brisk tea like finish.
The body is very full, lots of fruit like juiciness that is slightly thick, but not very heavy like most Asian Pacific coffees. I added milk to this coffee, it did not impact the weight of it.
A very clean cup, despite the earthiness of it, very fresh and full of wonderful flavors. Well rounded with chocolate, spice, plum and apricot. A nice clean finish and no bitterness as the coffee cooled down in my cup, thanks to the low acidity.
Overall this is a great cup. The roast is spot on, bringing out the best of the PNG. I did not get overwhelmed with the exotic flavors, but was enchanted by them. This is a perfect, well-balanced flavor profile that will make you want more.
A side note here, I did brew some of this coffee up in my Moka Pot and it was fantastic! Not many coffees can safely go from French Press to Moka Pot without losing something. Great Job!